Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wednesday;March 31,2010:
With change comes apprehension. Only time can tell if the apprehension is replaced by a new beginning, or a definitive end. Initially the ride can be rough and bumpy until you figure out the lay of the land.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tuesday;March 30,2010:
Murphy's Law paraphrased "Whatever Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong", Grimm's Law (with kudo's to Roman) "If everything is going right, then it is obvious,something is wrong."
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday;March 29, 2010
Some days it is a 50/50 proposition. It is a feeling
of Anticipation, or is it Dread. The line between the two is usually microscopic and drawn quickly.
of Anticipation, or is it Dread. The line between the two is usually microscopic and drawn quickly.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Friday;March 26,2010:
Ah Friday, as the week draws to a close the unbridled joy of knowing I have 2 full days not to waste perfectly good (well maybe not perfectly) brain cells on some innocuous Reports that no one will read nor understand, nor care about. Well at least until Monday :{
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thursday;March 25, 2010:
The 2 best times of the day, Watching the Sun come up in the morning, because it means I get to experience a new day, the other is watching the Sun set in the evening,Why! because it means I survived those same day's experiences.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wednesday;March 24,2010:
Life is a lot like a Tornado, in the early stages the outside is pretty calm, then the winds increase in intensity and all is a blur around you. You reach the eye for another period of calm until the backside winds can spiral you out of control until you exit on the other side with a final bit of stability before it all ends.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday;March 23,2010:
Being placed on a pedestal is much like standing on a precipice. Very little room to maneuver and the only way down is swift and usually quite painful.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Monday;March 22, 2010
Don't confuse anothers expectations with your own goals. Expectations are usually driven by ulterior motives. Your goals should be driven from within based upon your own desires and sensibilities.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday;March 19,2010:
Ah Friday,Sometimes it is enough just to realize a busy week is over and there is a chance for a short respite before the next firestorm of activity. Never take the little things for granted.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday;March 18,2010:
In general I don't believe in categorizing people, but there are 2 kinds of folks, those who "Get it" and those who don't. Those who Get it understand that you make your own place in the world by your deeds and actions, those who don't wait for the World to find them their place, I'd much rather choose than be chosen.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Wednesday;MArch 17,2010:
Faith and Begorrah, Happy St. Patty's day. I think in these PC times, I will do my best to by supporting having some emerald potation.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tuesday;March 16, 2010:
There are a lot of misconceptions about luck, 99% of the time luck is not involved, The real definition of dumb luck should be a person who instead of striving to accomplish waits for good to fall in their lap. Most of the time it is not luck, it is a combination of Opportunity, preparation and perseverance. Waiting for luck is dumb, striving for a good result, now that is smart.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Monday;March 15,2010:
They say "Where there is a Will there is a Way".. They way things are going I'm confused as to whether that means, try hard enough and you can overcome anything, or Make out your Will, as it might be your only Way out!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Friday;March 12,2010
There are many times that the "Unknowns" in life outweigh the "knowns". With experience comes the perspective that you deal with the knowns, prepare as best you can for the unknowns, and don't worry about what you can't control.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thursday;March 11, 2010
There are many types of intelligence, Emotional, Developmental, and Ethical to name a few of the categories.The common bond they have is the ability to reason, problem solve and to learn. In itself Intelligence in not a tangible thing, its affect is felt in many ways. It is not so much taught or learned but is developed by having a willingness to learn along with an open mind .
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wednesday;March 10, 2010
They say some people "March to the beat of a different drummer". After having to deal with some of these folks, Not only are they Marching to a different beat,But I think the tune being played is seriously flawed!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Tuesday;March 9, 2010:
Sometimes it is just like sitting in the eye of a Hurricane, it looks nice and calm right where you are, but just outside everything is swirling around and moving closer all the time. Only time will tell if you remain anchored or are swept out with everything else that isn't nailed down
Monday, March 8, 2010
Monday;March 8, 2010
Stages of the work week.
The beginning of the week is filled with anticipation of things to come, the middle is where you struggle to accomplish all the required tasks, the end where you tell yourself you will get it caught up the next week. BTW- the weekend is where you have the realization that soon you will have to repeat this cycle all over again.
The beginning of the week is filled with anticipation of things to come, the middle is where you struggle to accomplish all the required tasks, the end where you tell yourself you will get it caught up the next week. BTW- the weekend is where you have the realization that soon you will have to repeat this cycle all over again.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Friday;March 5, 2010
There are people who subscribe to "The End Justifies the Means", These are the rantings of those moral invertebrates looking for life's loopholes.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Thrusday;March 4, 2010:
Life is a lot like a Ferris Wheel, You usually get on at the bottom and go round and round ,sometimes you finish on the top, sometimes on the bottom, but in order to get off we all have to go back to the bottom st some pint.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Wednesday;March 3, 2010:
Sometimes doing the right thing isn't plain and simple. The word perseverance is in the dictionary for a reason, and at times these go hand in hand.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tuesday;March 2,2010:
It's funny how life goes, the world constantly turns as they say. So you can be on top in the morning, but just as quickly you can roll right down to the bottom. A big difference in perspective, starting off looking down on the world and just as quickly looking up.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Monday; March 1,2010:
Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between the beginning and the end of a story. In these cases, you just have to let the middle play out and then draw your own conclusions.
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